Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

Packaging Supplies & Sources

One thing I've been trying diligently to do, is simplify. I've slowly been going through cupboards, closets and drawers to sort through all my stuff. One of my recent projects was tackling all my packaging supplies. I've decided less is more, and have curated my collection down to the few items I use most frequently. The rest will be sold, donated or recycled. It feels like freedom.

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Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

May Day Basket Ideas

Although May Day isn't celebrated here as widely as it is in Europe, I still think it's one of the sweetest holidays. The tradition of leaving a basket of flowers and treats on your neighbors door reminds me of simpler times, when neighbors actually knew one another. And did you know, historians say, if they catch you in the act, they must give you a kiss!

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Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

The Ultimate Nut Lovers Granola

The Man tops off his Raisin Bran with granola nearly every morning. Sometimes he switches things up and has Frosted Mini Wheats, but there is always granola. He's a creature of habit.

One of his other daily eats are nuts. Roasted and salted almonds, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, get the idea. He doesn't discriminate, and will power through an entire bag in no time. So when I was on location in Texas, the homeowner (Thanks, Susie!) shared a granola that was jam packed with nuts, and I knew I had to make it for him as soon as I returned home.

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Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard


Late summer afternoon, the promise of fall just around the corner. Sounds like the perfect time to try something new.  I've been thinking about starting this blog for some time now and thought no better time than the present.  I have enjoyed reading so many creative and inspiring blogs and I hope that mine will be the same for others.  I will try to capture what I love most about life in the entries to follow but until then you could read my About Me page to get to know something about my life, work, and passion.  Until next time, kick off your shoes and remember what that fresh cut summer grass feels like before it's all gone!

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