Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

My Favorite Picnic Supplies

Summer. What's not to love about our most carefree season? Aside from the heat, of course. One the best things about warm weather is being able to take our meals outside. Having an early morning coffee on the patio or firing up the grill for a late night supper is right up my alley. I also love easy meals that don't require much if any, cooking, and picnics combine both - relishing the outdoors and zero obligation to be in front of a hot stove.

Always wanting to be prepared to picnic in style, I spend a lot of time (probably too much) gathering supplies. I unabashedly confess to having a complete and utter obsession with packaging. It's borderline ridiculous. I have been known to buy items I never even open based solely on the packaging. Please tell me I'm not the only one. My current stash is of epic proportions and I have no intentions of paring down my trove. Since we're friends and obviously love the same things, I thought it fit to share my tips and resources to help you up your picnic game with my favorite swoon worthy supplies!

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