New Year Greetings + A Brand New Website

It feels so good to be welcoming in the new year with you. I’ve always loved the fresh start January brings. It fills us with hope and gives us the opportunity to wipe the slate clean or begin something new. This past year I took a much needed sabbatical and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you about what lead me there and what I learned as we journey through 2023 together.

One thing I processed over the last year was what type of work I wanted to do moving forward and what I wanted to let go. This sounds easier said than done because I really enjoyed working hard for a lot of years. But I knew in my heart that change was needed and that a website refresh was necessary to better reflect the who, what, and why of my work. In essence, what I want to convey to you and encourage you with is this:

The beauty you create matters.

And I want to spend some time in the new year talking about beauty and creativity - and why it matters.

Launching the website on January 1st feels like a perfect milestone and I hope that you find it inspiring, helpful, and easy to navigate. The Business Mentoring and Styling Consultation pages have been updated with information on how those creative services might be a great fit for you. Especially if you’re looking for expert guidance on a business project or want to refresh your spaces with new styling techniques. I’d liked to help you achieve your goals - look for my Mini Mission Statement to learn the Why behind my work. There is also a refreshed Resources page with free tips and tools for running a creative business or styling a beautiful space.

The newly curated H|B Collection debuts with its first Winter Edit and the shop is filled with beautiful cozy finds for making the winter months more delightful. And because many of us can’t quit Amazon, there’s a new shop there as well.

Before you go…

I’d really like to hear what this new year means to you. Whether you’ve made plans to focus on our health, dedicate more time to a hobby, or take a risk on a new venture, having something to look forward to always feels invigorating. Wishing you peace and happiness in the days ahead. xo, H


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